Tech CEO's dismemberment ‘looks like a professional hit’

New York:The killer,dressed entirely in black and wearing a black mask,followed the young technology entrepreneur from the elevator of his luxury Manhattan building into his apartment.

Then he used an electrical stun gun to immobilise the entrepreneur,Fahim Saleh,detectives believe.

Fahim Saleh,who founded Gokada,was found decapitated and dismembered in a luxury New York apartment.

Fahim Saleh,who founded Gokada,was found decapitated and dismembered in a luxury New York apartment.Instagram/@fahims

Some time after,the assailant killed Saleh,decapitated him and dismembered his body with an electric saw.

The 33-year-old's body parts were found on Tuesday in plastic garbage bags in his apartment on Manhattan's Lower East Side.

On Wednesday,the police continued their investigation at the building and inside Saleh's apartment,a seventh-story unit that he bought last year for $3.32 million ($US2.25million),public records show,and for which he expressed his affection on Instagram.

The investigation included a review of surveillance video from Saleh's apartment building and an interview with his sister.

The body of the 33-year-old tech entrepreneur was found in his luxury apartment.

The body of the 33-year-old tech entrepreneur was found in his luxury apartment.AP

Investigators believe the killer's work dismembering the body was interrupted when the victim's sister entered the apartment to check on him after not hearing from him for a day,another law enforcement official said.

Detectives think that the assailant fled through the apartment's back door and into the building's stairwell,the official said.

On Tuesday,a law enforcement official said that the saw was still plugged into an electrical outlet when the police arrived,and the killer had left cleaning supplies behind. It appeared that some effort had been made to clean up the evidence.

The official said that the killing"looks like a professional job",referring to it as a"hit".

Detectives were scouring the neighbourhood for surveillance video from outside local stores,residential and commercial buildings and area traffic cameras to see if cameras had captured the killer coming or going or waiting for his prey,several law enforcement officials said.

The grisly death has attracted international attention given Saleh's global connections. The son of Bangladeshi immigrants,Saleh founded ride-hailing companies in Bangladesh and Nigeria as well as a venture capital fund based in Manhattan that invested largely in companies in the developing world.

On Wednesday,Bangladesh's Minister for Information and Communication Technology,Zunaid Ahmed Palak,said that Saleh's death was a great loss for the country.

Saleh's family has declined to speak to the media.

On social media,in interviews and blog posts,Saleh depicted himself as an entrepreneur driven by passion.

"Entrepreneurs are the ones that really change countries,that really change cities,"Saleh said in a YouTube video in February."They're the ones that bring the vision."

In Bangladesh,Saleh co-founded the ride-sharing company Pathao in 2015. The business,which Saleh left in 2018,started as a bike-sharing company but now offers transportation,delivery and business logistics.

Fuelled by his success in Bangladesh,Saleh tried to launch a similar venture in Nigeria. That company,Gokada,began operating as a motorcycle ride-hailing company in Lagos,Nigeria's most populous city,in 2018.

Motorcycle taxis have long been popular in Lagos and many other African cities as a way to circumvent traffic jams. Gokada raised $5.3 million in venture capital in June 2019,according to the website TechCrunch.

But Saleh's business hit a major stumbling block in February,when state officials banned motorcycle taxis from operating in major commercial and residential parts of Lagos.

"This has definitely been a blow,"Saleh said in a video,which he posted to YouTube and social media platforms in February.

Saleh was forced to lay off workers,friends said. But he tried to rebound,saying he still believed that Nigeria had enormous economic potential and that he could provide jobs to young Nigerians.

In February,Gokada pivoted quickly to a food and package delivery service. After the change,Saleh sounded an optimistic note.

In April,as the pandemic upended New York and Nigeria,he noted on Twitter that his company was well positioned to adapt to the economic shift.

"Now it seems like we had a two-month head start in one of the few thriving business sectors,"he said.

The law enforcement official said that investigators were exploring on Wednesday whether Saleh's killing might be related to his business,noting the indications that his company had been hurting.

New York Times

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