The scars will be long lasting:readers respond to the Trump years

How Donald Trump will eventually be extracted from the White House is yet to be seen,but for now many are happy to celebrate Joe Biden's victory at the ballot box.

US President Donald Trump has made repeated and unsubstantiated accusations of electoral fraud.

US President Donald Trump has made repeated and unsubstantiated accusations of electoral fraud.Bloomberg

In an opinion piece this week,''Anxiety lifts as Trump era fades'',political and international editor Peter Hartcher wrote leaders of the free world are among those"heaving a mighty sigh of relief".

"America’s democratic allies especially are pleased that Shiva,the Hindu god of destruction,lost the US election,"he wrote."They lived in a state of constant anxiety that Donald Trump would deliver,without warning,an insult,a threat or actual harm."

For Australia's part,Hartcher noted in the piece that Prime Minister Scott Morrison told colleagues privately that “we got through it”.

"The overriding priority for the Australian government will be working with the US to deter Chinese aggression,to preserve stability in the Indo-Pacific,"Hartcher wrote.

The Age andSydney Morning Heraldreaders were however divided on how well Australia came out of Trump's four years in office.

Scott Morrison says US President-elect Joe Biden has expressed his "very strong commitment" to multilateral engagement and groups such as the G7.

Some backed Hartcher's assessment that"Australia managed to survive Trump’s term with less direct damage than any other US ally,with the exception of Israel. Partly through deft diplomacy,partly by sheer luck".

Havelock Road:"I believe this is correct and credit should be given to,what must be,a large contingent of DFAT and others working behind the scenes and advising government. Many commenters here like to ridicule the government,without offering any credible alternative strategy,merely for the sake of denigrating a political party they do not like. On top of that,it is probable that[Joe] Hockey's reported closeness to Trump played a more significant role than many would like to admit in minimising negative outcomes over the last four years.”

Prof Antiantihoon agreed:“Australia,other nations,and even senior Republicans handled the Narcissist-in-chief in much the same way ... gently. Anyone who has personally encountered such narcissistic personalities understands that,quite simply,there is no other way that keeps the peace."

However,it was a view that seemed to astonish others.

NICKEN:"Deft diplomacy? Is that what they call sucking up now? ... Other than Israel,indeed. We were the most supportive nation on the planet to Trump,barring some US territories and autocracies eg Saudi Arabia and Brazil. You are in with Trump or right out. Part of his juvenile behaviour - BFF or'I HATE YOU!'. In if you are boosting him,massaging his ego. Morrison was well in."

Doug #1:"You reckon? Who else lost a $6 billion export market with China because their government aligned with Trump over the'China virus'?"

Misnomer:"Morrison did Trump's bidding on China,Iraq,Israel,climate change,attacking the UN,etc. and his kowtowing US visit was truly cringeworthy. The collaborators are turning on him only after he's gone.”

Responding to reader comments,Hartcher says there seems to be a common assumption that Australia has shaped its China policy at the behest of Trump.

While Australia has a history of"forelock-tugging to its great and powerful friends",he says,its response to Xi Jinping's China"largely has been an authentic,indigenous one".

"Australia has been leading international opinion and policy against Chinese intrusion and malfeasance,"Hartcher says.

"This wouldn't matter if no one followed Australia. It's because other countries have followed,or are following,that Beijing seeks to force Australia into submission.

"Does Australia hope for US support in its confrontation with the People's Republic? Of course. But Australians need to be able to see China in its own right,not always as a mere extension of US policy.

"China is a reality that Australia has to live with and defend against simultaneously. And,as we learned from four years of Trump,we have to be able to do it by ourselves if necessary."

"The US is no longer capable of restraining Chinese aggression,nor will it necessarily be willing to do so.

"Scott Morrison is not going to Tokyo next week,mid-pandemic,to be followed by 14 days of isolation on return,because he is comfortable and relaxed about any supposed security guarantee from the US.

"He is going because Canberra and Tokyo are equally worried about Chinese aggression and American retrenchment."

In his article,Hartcher wrote that two big uncertainties remain:how much more damage Trump,who is disputing the election result,will inflict before (and after) he's forced out,and how much international stability Biden can restore.

Readers were divided on whether they thought the Trump era was over.

Some believed Trump was the"wake-up call we all needed".

Terry McGee:“I'm actually wondering if the future will conclude that Trump did the world a favour. I know it won't be the immediate future! But Trump has demonstrated that even the mighty United States can be taken for a ride by a total loser motivated by private interest and now hell-bent on destruction. The Democrats appear to have reacted intelligently by offering up an antidote - a safe pair of (admittedly old,white) hands backed up by a young caring,energetic,charismatic woman of colour.”

Renegade:“The scars of the Trump maladministration will be long lasting,and probably constantly itch,but they will heal eventually.”

Djc789:“The Trump experience was an experiment that America needed to undertake. Now as the Undertakers are called in they can,after four long years,come to terms with reality. Politics is for politicians and actors are best suited to show business.”

However,others were less optimistic,noting that with Trump securing 72 million votes it may not be the end of him or his ilk,with Biden and his team facing a huge challenge to win over these Americans.

NotHappyDan:"No-one had their opinion changed by Trump,his followers already had those views. The bigger problem for the Democrats is that someone will be back in four years time to energise this group and whoever it is will be far more charismatic than Trump. Anyone who thinks the Democrats had a victory here are kidding themselves.”

NLoz:"While allies are happy to have stable leadership back at the international helm the visage of America as the western world's'police and protector'is gone. You can see it with the EU wanting a new trans-Atlantic partnership where they have more influence of the alliance's direction. We're always potentially 4 years away from the next demagogue and a dive back into global chaos.”

Wingn:“It is still the case that two thirds of Americans did NOT vote for the Biden/Harris ticket. Just over 50% of a 66% turnout is hardly a ringing endorsement.”

Murray Macaulay:"I tipped[Trump] would win last time,and I tipped he would win again. Not because I like him or his policies,but because it was so obvious that many did approve of his policies. His petulant failure to accept the result is obscuring the main issues. I am pretty sure Joe Biden understands this - I hope he does. Whether he can accommodate both sides on many of the real issues is a real challenge.”

Several readers didn't stop at politics,showing their knowledge extended to Hinduism. They disagreed with Hartcher likening Trump to the god Shiva,instead chiming in with their own comparisons including Rakshasa,Kali,Asura,Ravana,Daksh,Duryodhana and Narada.

Ashdash:“Unfair to compare Trump to Shiva,part of the Hindu trinity. A better adage will be Duryodhana;the revenge-seeking,kingdom-grabbing eldest Kaurava son. A true rascal for the ages.”

Luke:“It's a little simplistic to call Shiva the god of destruction. He's called"the destroyer",but he's also a creator. More a disrupter,really. Trump,OTOH,can only destroy,and there is nothing godlike about him. If you want a Hindu analogue for Trump,look no further than the Rakshasa,ravenous,shapeshifting,man-eating demons.”

On this point,Hartcher concedes it was a"very clumsy use of a metaphor"- and thanked readers who helped educate him and"for doing it constructively".

"I chose Shiva as the god of destruction,"he says.

"But readers have taken exception on the ground that Shiva was part of the divine triumvirate that destroys the universe in order to recreate it in a benign cycle of regeneration.

"Readers took exception to the implication that the US president might have such redeeming purpose ... I am,as is often the case,humbled by the knowledge of our readers,and grateful for the generous spirit in which they challenge me."

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Orietta Guerrera is the Deputy Editor of The Age. She was previously Reader Editor for The Age,The Sydney Morning Herald,Brisbane Times and WAToday

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