The two tiny victories that may reshape the Biden presidency

Even before a mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building,leaving one of their number dying in its venerated corridor,Wednesday would have been an extraordinary day in American politics.

As the chaos unfolded,the results of Tuesday’s two Senate run-off elections in Georgia were confirmed,with Democratic candidates winning both by a margin of less than 2 per cent.

The Democrat victors in the Georgia run-offs,Raphael Warnock (left) and Jon Ossoff.

The Democrat victors in the Georgia run-offs,Raphael Warnock (left) and Jon Ossoff.AP

These two narrow victories will have significant national and global ramifications. As a result of these wins,US President-elect Joe Biden now stands a chance of becoming a president of consequence.

With the extra votes,the Democratic Party has secured the slenderest margin in the Senate,which it now holds along with the House of Representatives and the White House. The Republican Party can no longer arbitrarily block all Democratic legislation.

Nor will it be able to block Biden from choosing his cabinet,judiciary and senior officials.

After Biden takes power on January 20,we can expect to see a rapid series of appointments,and with key officials in place,the Biden administration will be able to begin work on its agenda.

Washington DC is calm again after violent protesters swarmed the Capitol building where four people killed and multiple people injured.

As was the case when Obama took office,that agenda is already being swamped by inherited crises. Where Obama faced a collapsing economy,Biden inherits an economic crisis compounded by social and political upheaval,accelerated by Trump’s catastrophic failure to tackle the coronavirus.

The President-elect has made it clear he will address the pandemic first,promising to speed up the vaccination program by administering 100 million shots in 100 days.

Linked to the pandemic response,the incoming Democrats will pursue a stimulus package,supplementing $US600 aid cheques with a $US1400 top-up that had been blocked by Republican senators.

On the world stage,the Biden administration is already resembling a third Obama term. Once Biden’s secretary of state,Antony Blinken,is installed,the work begins rebuilding frayed alliances,particularly across the Atlantic,and hardening the US line against Russia – the state believed responsible for massive cyber-attacks not yet addressed by Trump.

John Kerry has been named as climate envoy and Biden has declared that he intends not only to immediately rejoin the Paris Agreement but to employ the full power of America’s diplomatic machinery,which withered under Trump,to accelerate global climate action.

But domestically,the Georgia wins do not afford Biden and his Democrats unfettered power.

Major legislation not tied to the budget will still be subjected to the Senate filibuster. To see such bills survive,Democrats will need to find an extra 10 Republican votes to secure a super-majority of 60 votes to 40.

This will present the Democrats with a new set of problems. Democrat progressives campaigned on major healthcare reforms,a so-called Green New Deal and even the creation of a 51st state in Washington DC.

Republicans will trenchantly oppose these measures as will some of the more conservative Democrats,who are now finding their dominant voice in the West Virginia senator Joe Manchin.

Manchin has held his seat in a Republican state over two terms in part by supporting key elements of the Republican agenda. He has already ruled out supporting structural changes that might enhance Democratic power.

“I commit to you tonight,and I commit to all of your viewers and everyone else that’s watching — I want to allay those fears,I want to rest those fears for you right now because when they talk about whether it be packing the courts,or ending the filibuster,I will not vote to do that,” he told Fox News after the election.

If Biden is unable to navigate a path between Manchin and the Republican leadership to prosecute his agenda,he risks looking impotent.

“On paper,Biden looks set to gain unified control over Congress. In practice,he won’t enjoy many of its traditional benefits. But he will suffer from all of its downsides,” wrote Johns Hopkins University professor Yascha Mounk of the Georgia victories.

But having Manchin patrolling the boundaries of Democratic power in the Senate is far better than battling a strategically obstructionist Republican majority.

What is not known now is how the violence of the Trump mob’s assault on the Capitol building will play out within the Republican Party and how that might affect the workings of the new Congress.

Key Republican opponents of Trump such as Mitt Romney may win more internal support and may use that to negotiate with Democrats.

Already many of those who had promised to back Trump in a pointless objection to the certifying of Biden's presidency changed their minds after the violence.

"While we disagree,and disagree strongly at times,we do not encourage what happened today,ever,"said Republican senator Jim Lankford in a speech in the chamber explaining why he had changed his mind on the vote."We are headed toward certification of Joe Biden as[president of the United States] and we will work together."

Trump Biden 2020

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Nick O'Malley is National Environment and Climate Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. He is also a senior writer and a former US correspondent.

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