'Transition from hell':America caught in post-election twilight zone

Washington:The meeting was tense but civil. Two days after the 2016 US election,Barack Obama welcomed Donald Trump to the White House,maintaining a tradition that outgoing presidents meet their successors shortly after the poll. As well as an opportunity to discuss practical issues about the handover,it is a moment that symbolises the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another.

"My number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures president-elect Trump is successful,"Obama told reporters.

Barack Obama hosted Donald Trump in the White House soon after the 2016 election,symbolising the peaceful transfer of power.

Barack Obama hosted Donald Trump in the White House soon after the 2016 election,symbolising the peaceful transfer of power.AP

No such meeting has yet occurred between Trump and Joe Biden — and there’s no prospect of one happening any time soon. That is despite Biden’s victory being,in many ways,more decisive than Trump’s 2016 triumph. Biden is projected to win the same number of Electoral College votes as Trump did four years ago,as well as a 5 million-vote margin in the national popular vote.

Yet Trump continues to claim,without any compelling evidence,that the election was stolen from him and was marred by widespread corruption and fraud.

As a result,Americans are trapped in a post-election twilight zone in which Trump has no realistic prospect of changing the outcome but will not acknowledge the reality of defeat.

Norman Ornstein,a political scientist at the centre-right American Enterprise Institute,says that America will suffer a presidential"transition from hell"in the two months leading up to Biden's inauguration on January 20.

President Donald Trump,left,plays golf.

President Donald Trump,left,plays golf.AP

The Trump-appointed head of the General Services Administration,a relatively obscure but important government agency,has so far declined to declare Biden the apparent winner of the election. Such a declaration would provide Biden's transition team with office space at federal agencies and speed up the background check process for potential appointees to government roles.

The Trump administration has also broken with tradition by refusing to give Biden access to the presidential daily briefing,which includes important national security information. And the State Department has not been transmitting congratulatory cables from foreign leaders and diplomats.

Trump has also used the post-election period tofire defence secretary Mark Esper and appoint a series of loyalists to top positions at the Pentagon. This makes it easier for Trump to make major foreign policy decisions — such as withdrawing all US troops from Afghanistan — during his final weeks in office,even if they go against the advice of top military officials.

"This is a very,very dangerous period,"Ornstein says."I have no idea what an unhinged Trump will do during this time. He could do something truly reckless."

'Not a democracy'

In the hours after US media outlets declared Biden the winner,world leaders such as Justin Trudeau,Boris Johnson and Scott Morrison moved quickly to congratulate him on his victory. But,at time of writing,just four Republican senators have acknowledged Biden as the winner of the election. It would be one thing if Trump was alone in contesting the election results,but so far the Republican Party is largely standing behind him.

When asked by a reporter this week whether he had congratulated Biden on his victory,Republican Senator Ron Johnson said:"No."

When asked why,he replied:"Nothing to congratulate him about."

Scott Morrison says US President-elect Joe Biden has expressed his "very strong commitment" to multilateral engagement and groups such as the G7.

At a press conference of the Republican Party’s Senate leadership team,Missouri Senator Roy Blunt said:"You know,the President wasn’t defeated by huge numbers. In fact,he may not have been defeated at all."

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has been vocal in supporting Trump's claims of widespread wrongdoing."If Republicans don't challenge and change the US election system,there will never be another Republican president elected again,"Graham said on Fox News."President Trump should not concede."

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue — both Republican senators from Georgia — took the extraordinary step of calling for their state's top election official,who is a Republican,to stand down because of his handling of the election. Without presenting any specific allegations,they accused Brad Raffensperger,Georgia's Secretary of State,of"mismanagement and lack of transparency".

Ornstein says the widespread refusal to accept the election results represents the culmination of trends in the Republican Party (also known as the Grand Old Party,or GOP) that predate Trump.

"The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics,"Ornstein and colleague Thomas Mann wrote in their 2012 bookIt's Even Worse than It Looks."It is ideologically extreme;scornful of compromise;unmoved by conventional understanding of facts,evidence and science;and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition."

In the weeks leading up to the election,Republican Senator Mike Lee said on Twitter that"America is not a democracy"— an increasingly common refrain among US conservatives.

"If you are denying science,if you are denying facts,if you’ve become an outlier party then there’s a logical extension of that:you will deny an election result,"Ornstein says."Still,I don’t think I would have imagined it would go this far."

Explaining why so few Republicans have publicly acknowledged the election outcome,he says that"fear of being shunned or excommunicated is an incredibly powerful motivator". Trump is beloved by the party's conservative base and there is no political benefit to getting on his bad side.

Republicans are also focused on winning the two Georgia Senate run-off races on January 5. The outcome will determine who controls a majority in the US Senate.

"Their calculus is that doing or saying anything right now to contradict Trump’s belief he has won would divide and demoralise the base enough that it could make the difference there,"Ornstein says.

There's another reason for Republicans to hold out as long as possible:money. The Trump campaign has been flooding supporters with emails containing florid claims of wrongdoing and requests to donate to an"election defence fund".

"I've won many critical states,despite historic interference from Big Media,Big Money,and Big Tech,"a fundraising email from Trump said this week."They’re trying to STEAL this Election."

The fine-print to the emails notes that 50 per cent of the money raised can go to retiring the campaign's debts. Accepting Biden as the winner of the election would close off this lucrative avenue for fundraising.

Carrying on

Rather than complain about the Trump administration's efforts to gum up the works,Biden has been trying to project an air of steady confidence.

"The fact that they’re not willing to acknowledge that we won at this point is not of much consequence in our planning,"Biden said this week."We have already started the transition;we are well under way."

Joe Biden says the presidential transition is proceeding smoothly,despite Donald Trump's refusal to acknowledge defeat.

Joe Biden says the presidential transition is proceeding smoothly,despite Donald Trump's refusal to acknowledge defeat.AP

Meanwhile,his top legal adviser,Bob Bauer,hasdismissed the Trump campaign's election-related court challenges as"noise,not really law" and"theatrics,not really lawsuits".

Biden has fielded calls from world leaders,announced the members of his coronavirus taskforce and revealed thatlong-time adviser Ron Klain will be his chief-of-staff. Klain served as the White House's Ebola Response Co-ordinator in 2014,putting him in a good position to oversee the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden is expected to wait until early December to announce most of his selections for key cabinet roles such as treasury secretary,secretary of state and defence secretary.

Lawrence Douglas,a law professor at Amherst College,says the Biden campaign is right to feel relaxed about their position. Earlier this year Douglas publishedWill He Go?,a book exploring what could happen if Trump rejected the election outcome.

"To cause a larger constitutional crisis Trump would have to successfully attack the results in multiple states,but his lawsuits seem frivolous and destined to go nowhere,"he says.

"I have every expectation that Biden will be duly inaugurated on January 20."

Douglas expects more Republicans will begin to publicly acknowledge Biden as the President-elect when the Electoral College results are certified on December 14. As for Trump,Douglas draws a distinction between conceding defeat — which recognises the legitimacy of an opponent's victory — and submitting to the reality of it.

"I think Trump will ultimately submit to defeat but I don't see him ever conceding,"he says.

"That will continue to spread a poison throughout the nation because tens of millions of Americans will be labouring under the misconception that the election was fraudulently conducted.

"That's a terrible thing for people in a democracy to believe."

Trump Biden 2020

Understand the election result and its aftermath with expert analysis from US correspondent Matthew Knott. Sign up toThe Sydney MorningHerald's newsletterhere,The Age'shere,Brisbane Times'here andWAtoday'shere.

Matthew Knott is national correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald,focusing on race,culture and identity. He was previously North America correspondent for the Herald and The Age.

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