US election 2020 as it happened:Joe Biden maintains lead over Donald Trump as Arizona,Michigan vote-counting centres swamped by US President's supporters


All eyes on Georgia... and Nevada

And after all that nervous eating tonight (or was that just us?),we must leave you hanging...

A result for Georgia's 16 Electoral College votes is expected in the next couple of hours. So too in Nevada,where six Electoral College votes are up for grabs.

Counting is also continuing in the key states of Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

We'reHanna Mills Turbet andMarissa Calligeros and it's been a pleasure to be with you tonight. We leave you with a round-up of the day's news,and you canfollow our continuing rolling coverage withLatika Bourke.

On the brink:Joe Biden needs to clinch just one more battleground state to defeat President Donald Trump. The Democrat already has won the fiercely contested prizes of Michigan and Wisconsin,part of the"blue wall"that slipped away from Democrats four years ago. Two days after Election Day,neither candidate has amassed the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House. But Biden’s victories in the Great Lakes states have him at 264,meaning he is one battleground state away from becoming president-elect.

Trump sues:Trump’s campaign put into action the legal strategy the president had signalled for weeks:attacking the integrity of the voting process in states where the result could mean his defeat. Democrats scoffed at the legal challenges in Pennsylvania,Michigan and Georgia. The filings demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted,and raise absentee ballot concerns. The flurry of court action did not seem obviously destined to impact the election’s outcome.

America protests:Dozens of angry supporters of Trump converged on vote-counting centres in Detroit and Phoenix as returns went against the president in the two key states,while thousands of anti-Trump protesters demanding a complete count of the ballots in the still-undecided election took to the streets in cities across the US. The protests came as the president repeatedly insisted without evidence that there were major problems with the voting and the ballot counting,and as Republicans filed suit in multiple states,preparing to contest election results.

Soul searching:The presidential election postmortem underway in Florida is especially wrenching for Democrats. The second-guessing has begun amid another high-profile loss at the ballot box. Some Democrats unsurprised by their loss in the state to Trump say Biden’s weakness with the Hispanic community,particularly in the Miami area,may be a symptom of deeper problems.

with AP

Trump's election lawsuits are legally hollow

The President of the United States doesn't like to lose. So he is resorting to legal action. Trump's campaign fought to keep his chances alive with a call for a Wisconsin recount – which he would be entitled to given the slim margin there – as well as lawsuits in Michigan and Pennsylvania to stop vote counting.

They have also filed a lawsuit in Georgia to require that Chatham County,which includes the city of Savannah,separate and secure late-arriving ballots to ensure they are not counted,and asked the US Supreme Court to allow Trump to join a pending lawsuit filed by Pennsylvania Republicans over whether the battleground state should be permitted to accept late-arriving ballots.

But Noah Feldman,a professor of law at Harvard University,inThe Washington Post,says Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on:

Donald Trump is hoping legal action will help him retain the White House.

Donald Trump is hoping legal action will help him retain the White House.Bloomberg

Legally speaking,President Donald Trump's various election lawsuits amount to nothing.

On Wednesday the Trump campaign announced an array of different legal efforts to fight Joe Biden's apparently impending Electoral College victory.

This included attempts to stop the vote counting in Michigan and Pennsylvania,and a motion to be heard by the Supreme Court in the case about ballots that arrived or will arrive in Pennsylvania after 8pm on election day. The campaign also filed a lawsuit in Georgia claiming a poll worker improperly mixed up absentee ballots,and asked for late-arriving ballots to be segregated. Although Georgia is close,this isn't the stuff of which election-changing lawsuits are made. (Trump's lawyers also say they will seek a recount in Wisconsin;but that is extremely unlikely to erase Biden's roughly 20,000 vote margin there.)

Start with the attempts to stop the counting. These are legally vacuous and don't pass the laugh test. Trump's Michigan filing asks the state courts to stop tallying votes,alleging that the state's absentee vote counters are proceeding without the presence of election inspectors and vote"challengers"from each party,as Michigan law requires. The problem with this argument is that,as far as is possible to determine,Michigan is indeed allowing Democratic and Republican inspectors and challengers.

So the Trump campaign is further arguing that the state violated the law because it has not shown the Trump"challengers"the video of the drop-off boxes from which the absentee ballots are being taken. Strange as it sounds,the Trump campaign seems to be arguing that the counting of votes should be stopped because his representatives haven't been able to see video of the drop-off boxes.

Michigan law does seem to say that"ballot containers"should be surveilled by video. But there doesn't seem to be anything in the law requiring the campaigns to see the video of drop-off boxes. In any case,it would make no sense whatever for courts to order the counting to stop as a remedy for any failure to provide required video. The logical thing would be for the court to order the state to provide the video.

It's hard to escape the conclusion that the Trump campaign is desperately trying to stop Michigan from finishing its count. Trump is behind in the Michigan count,so the plan can't be to claim victory on the basis of votes already counted. It must be to escape the potential conclusion that Biden has won the election if he wins Michigan and a handful of other states.

Speaking of those other states,in Pennsylvania,the Trump campaign has filed (or said it will file) various challenges. One was a lawsuit filed on Monday evening challenging the secretary of state's instructions allowing people who made mistakes in their mail-in ballots to correct the errors. This suit may have a better chance of succeeding,given that the instructions came at the last minute. Another is an attempt to stop the vote counting,apparently using a theory similar to the one the campaign's trying in Michigan. In Pennsylvania,it's not clear that a complaint has actually been filed yet,but there is little reason to expect the logic would be any better than in the Michigan complaint.

Then there's the Supreme Court motion. Trump will,if granted leave to intervene,ask the justices to exclude mail-in ballots that arrived after the polls closed. The Supreme Court will probably allow Trump to intervene,given that this lawsuit predated the election,but that doesn't guarantee they'd rule in favour of Trump.

We know there are four votes - the three liberals plus Chief Justice John Roberts - to reject Trump's claim. Three conservative justices more or less invited this lawsuit and can be expected to support Trump's request. That leaves two swing conservatives,Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

It's conceivable albeit outrageous that the conservative majority could throw out these votes,even though they were cast by people who had been previously assured by courts that their votes would be counted. But as bad as that is,it might not guarantee a Trump victory.

Even if the justices go Trump's way,it won't matter unless the election comes down to Pennsylvania and unless those late-arriving ballots provide the margin of victory needed to win the presidency. This nightmare scenario would be Bush v. Gore all over again,and it still can't be excluded. But the scenario is becoming less likely by the moment.

The upshot is that Trump's legal strategy is looking weak. It's getting harder to picture how he could use the courts to stop or reverse vote counting.

That said,Trump pretty clearly isn't going to stop claiming the election was stolen just because he loses in court - and loses in the popular vote and the Electoral College. Maybe the lawsuits are mainly intended as preliminary efforts in what will be a developing strategy to delegitimise the outcome. We will know soon enough.

The Washington Post

Late-night TV hosts offer comic relief as America waits

Just when Americans needed some comic relief they turned to their late-night television hosts. Wednesday night (US time) millions of Americans tuned in as Jimmy Fallon,Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert gave their take on the election,and the waiting game.

"Seriously,today felt like waking up with a hangover and realising you’re still at the bar,"Jimmy Fallon said onThe Tonight Show.

"Very early this morning Biden spoke to a drive-in crown in Wilmington,Delaware,and he told us that we need patience ... We just need to be patient in a country that literally invented a Domino's tracker so we know exactly when our pizza will arrive ...

"One good thing about the pandemic – we're now used to waiting a few days for results."

Jimmy Kimmel echoed Fallon’s exhaustion,saying the past day had been a"pollercoaster of emotions and nausea".

OnA Late Show,Stephen Colbert said:"Trump’s mishandling of the virus may have played a large part in Biden’s win,because recently,Wisconsin has become a COVID-19 hot spot. But with this win,Democrats across the country can breathe a little easier – except for the ones in Wisconsin,because,again,it’s a COVID-19 hot spot."

Jimmy Kimmel also enlisted former Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for a political edition of the show's"Mean Tweets"segment ...

with The New York Times

Key state Georgia enters the long home stretch

It's been a long waiting game tonight. When we clocked on at 4pm AEDT,we were expecting a result from Georgia imminently.

But with the vote so close – Donald Trump has a razor-thin lead of 49.6 per cent of the vote to Joe Biden's 49.2 per cent with 98 per cent of the vote counted – we're unlikely to see a final result until about 2am on Friday AEDT.

The Fulton County government said that 5000 ballots were still to be counted and it could be 10 am,local time,before their process was completed.

"We're in the home stretch,"authorities tweeted.

Harris’ ancestral village in India gets festive

Villagers in the Indian ancestral home of Kamala Harris painted slogans on roads wishing her victory on Thursday,as Joe Biden,her Democrat running mate in the US presidential election,moved closer to the White House.

Thulasendrapuram,located about 320 km south of Chennai,is where Harris's maternal grandfather was born more than a century ago.

"From yesterday,we are excited about the final result,"said Abirami,a resident of the village."Now,we are hearing positive news. We are waiting to celebrate her victory."

Messages of support were painted around the lush green Indian village of Thulasendrapuram,the hometown of Kamala Harris'maternal grandfather.

Messages of support were painted around the lush green Indian village of Thulasendrapuram,the hometown of Kamala Harris' maternal grandfather.AP

Many of her neighbours watched updates from the count on their mobile phones.

The lush,green village in the south of the country has also been decked out in posters of Harris,with prayers offered at the local Hindu temple.

Biden leads the count and has predicted he will win but closely contested states – including Arizona,Georgia,Nevada and North Carolina – were still tallying votes,leaving the election outcome uncertain.

Running mates:Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Running mates:Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.Supplied

Harris’s grandfather PV Gopalan and his family moved to Chennai nearly 90 years ago. He retired there as a high-ranking government official.

Harris,who was born to an Indian mother and a Jamaican father who both immigrated to the United States to study,visited Thulasendrapuram when she was five and has repeatedly recalled walks with her grandfather on the beaches of Chennai.

Not a ballot thief,just a photographer

This election has been marred by conspiracy theories and false claims,including those touted by President Donald Trump himself. This one,at least,has been put to bed ...

The Y2K20 election

As we await news (hopefully) from Georgia within the next hour or so,here is an interesting piece fromDaniel W Drezner inThe Washington Post:

The Democrats'great hope:Joe Biden.

The Democrats' great hope:Joe Biden.AP

Thirty-six hours after election night,the results suggest that Joe Biden will win both the popular vote and the electoral college. That said,those 36 hours have been a journey,from losing Florida to having hopes dashed in Ohio and Texas,to Biden starting out way behind in the Rust Belt states.

What is striking about the past 36 hours is not just this narrative,but the other one:Despite a pandemic,despite a highly polarised electorate,a record number of people voted without incident.

Indeed,if one considers not just the mechanics of the election,but also the way the news media and others have framed the election,one begins to see a foreseen disaster that was averted through considerable effort by the relevant gatekeepers.

In the weeks and months before Election Day,there were widespread concerns about how everything could go wrong. There was talk about Trump supporters engaging in voter intimidation. Cities were boarded up due to fears of violence. Numerous lawsuits were anticipated. And President Donald Trump telegraphed that he would probably declare victory even though he had not actually won a sufficient number of states.

Last week,in a tweetstorm,my friend and colleague Jacob T Levy foresaw the upside of all these warnings. He suggested that the 2020 election had many parallels to the Y2K event:Because it was a predictable disaster,it could be avoided. As Levy noted,"So many institutions (pollsters,TV network decision desks,state election departments,etc.) have so thoroughly gamed out and prepared for so many outcomes ranging from weird to catastrophic that it all turns out surprisingly smooth and straightforward."

Y2K20 did not crash the system for a variety of reasons. Let's start with the actual voting. A record number of people voted in Tuesday's election,and the percent of turnout was the highest it had been since 1908. This is extraordinary given that it happened during a pandemic. The huge number of early votes made this possible. As a Massachusetts poll inspector on Tuesday,I noticed that same-day turnout was light compared with a normal general election,but it vastly exceeded expectations given that 61% of my city's registered voters had cast their ballots early. This appears to have been indicative of the entire country.

Despite the record number of voters,theNew York Times reported that"voting for a vast majority of Americans proceeded smoothly on Tuesday,with . . . few major problems."CNN reported that everything went well in the battleground states:"In Michigan,Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said Tuesday that'precincts are islands of calm.'In Florida,the spokesman for the Broward County supervisor of elections said the day was'boring.'"And NBC News reported that Department of Homeland Security officials did not detect any hacking."Despite fears of the threat of intimidation or even violence around polling places,watchdog groups like Common Cause said it had seen no major reports of either."Yea,no hacking!

Not everything went smoothly. The US Postal Service appears to have ignored a court order. Ex-felons in Florida were supposed to be enfranchised based on a referendum from two years ago,but Florida Republicans were having none of that. Still,contrary to fears,the election was free and fair - even according to international election observers.

Those same observers were harsh in their judgment about Trump attempting to prematurely declare victory early Wednesday. Here,however,the news media and social media networks framed Trump's efforts as they should have. None of the major networks,including Fox News,gave Trump's claims any credence. Even Fox News's legal guests criticised President Trump's statements.

Similarly,Trump's efforts to tweet about wins in states where votes were still being counted did not really work.

The media also framed the state-by-state election returns pretty well given the surprises compared with polling expectations. They stressed that early Biden leads in some states were due to mail-in votes being released first,whereas in the Rust Belt trio,Trump's initial leads were expected to be ephemeral because of the huge advantage of mail-in votes for Biden.

It is also worth noting that senior GOP officials clearly expected Trump to act out like this and refused to play along. Even toadies like Chris Christie and Senator Marco Rubio criticised the Trump campaign's"Stop the vote!"nonsense.

It's unlikely that the American people will buy Trump's malarkey,either. As the Election Integrity Project's Rosa Brooks noted inThe Washington Post,Americans are more sophisticated about the process of voting and vote-counting than in the spring:"Today,there is far less reason to fear a catastrophic political outcome than there was in June,for the simple reason that the many efforts to ring warning bells about Trump's likely efforts to undermine the election results were successful."

Clearly the 2020 election results surprised and disappointed many observers. In other cases,it simply reconfirmed their priors. However,it is worth stressing how many of the worst-case scenarios did not pan out. This is not because fears were misplaced. It is because election administrators,elected officials not including the president,and media organisations gamed out what to do - and did it well.

A record popular vote for Biden

Earlier today (Wednesday,US time) Joe Biden confidently claimed he was on track to win the White House and with the most votes of any presidential candidate in US history after record voter turnout.

In fact,according to CNN's White House correspondent John Harwood,Biden could receive a higher percentage of the popular vote than Ronald Reagan gained in his victory over Jimmy Carter in 1980.

But Democrats remain cautious in the wake of the 2016 election,when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million,but did not achieve the minimum 270 Electoral College votes required to become president. It's a strange turn of events,but that's the Electoral College system.

'Trump is setting a bad example':Africans amused and alarmed by US election's aftermath

For plenty of Africans,US President Donald Trump's actions in the aftermath of the US election have been a cause for dark humour. But others have reacted with dismay or disbelief.

In countries whose own recent elections were marred by accusations of cheating and violence,some expressed alarm about the signal that Trump's premature declaration of victory,allegations of fraud and flurry of lawsuits might send to their own leaders.

"Trump is setting a bad example for Africa and a country like ours. You cannot proclaim yourself in an election where you are a candidate when justice exists,"said Mory Keïta,a car parts dealer in Guinea.

Dozens were killed in protests before and after the West African country's president won a controversial third term last month.

"It's a total disgrace,"said Bachir Diallo,a Guinean mining executive."Such a mess is worthy of a banana republic."

As the vote count pointed towards a victory for Democrat Joe Biden,others felt a sharp sense of irony seeing events play out in a developed nation whose authorities regularly admonish African leaders for not respecting democratic norms.

When the US Embassy in Guinea's neighbour Ivory Coast called on Wednesday for dialogue and commitment to the rule of law following another disputed presidential election,it triggered an avalanche of reactions.

"I believe the playground response is'why you talking about yourself?'"one Twitter user retorted.

"What we are seeing from Trump is not different from what we have been seeing in African politics. However,it is terrifying to see this in America,"said Tito Kisiya,a sales executive in Tanzania,whose presidential election last week drew criticism from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Even so,some who followed the US election found positives to take away.

"It's calm,and there is no violence,"said Viviane Asseke,a schoolteacher in Ivory Coast,where more than 10 people have died in clashes since the president won a third term that opponents consider unconstitutional.

"It makes you want to vote."


Just 7500 ballots remaining in Fulton County,Georgia

ByMarissa Calligeros

It's a nail-biter in Georgia,where just 7500 ballots are left to be counted in Fulton County – the most populous county in the state – according to local news station CBS46.

Fulton County's director of registration and elections Richard Barron has told the network officials will probably finish counting votes by daybreak (right now,it's 5.30am in Georgia). We could therefore have a result in Georgia as early as 11pm (AEDT).

Democratic and Republican representatives review absentee ballots at the Fulton County election center.

Democratic and Republican representatives review absentee ballots at the Fulton County election center.AP

Trump is currently marginally ahead in the state. With 95 per cent of votes reported,Trump currently has 49.6 per cent of the vote,while Biden has 49.1 per cent. But Fulton County includes most of Atlanta and is a reliable Democrat stronghold.

Leading up to election day,there was not much Georgia's Democrats and Republicans agreed upon,except for a prediction that the day would be a dramatic one,given the rising strength of Georgia Democrats.

Absentee ballots stacked up at the Fulton County election center.

Absentee ballots stacked up at the Fulton County election center.AP

Associated Press has already called Arizona for Biden. If he prevails in Georgia,he surpasses the crucial 270 Electoral College votes needed to claim the White House.

Most major US news organisations have not yet called Arizona - worth 11 Electoral College votes - for Biden.

Election workers review absentee ballots in Fulton County.

Election workers review absentee ballots in Fulton County.AP

Hanna Mills Turbet is a journalist at The Age.

Marissa Calligeros is a journalist at Brisbane Times. She was previously an editor at The Age.

Mary Ward is a reporter at The Sun-Herald.

Michaela Whitbourn is a legal affairs reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald.

Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in London.

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