What we know so far about the storming of the US Capitol

The US Capitol in Washington was locked down after supporters of President Donald Trump clashed with police and stormed the building. Authorities have since secured the building.

Here's what we know so far.

Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the west wall of the the US Capitol.

Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the west wall of the the US Capitol.AP

What was happening today in US Congress?

The US Congress was meeting today to certify Joe Biden's victory in the November election,with more than 100 Republican Congress members vowing to object to the results in several states.

Around the same time,Trump addressed thousands of demonstrators who had amassed outside the Capitol to cheer his baseless claims of voter fraud and to protest over the results.

Trump falsely said he won the election as he spoke on an outdoor stage framing the White House. He urged his supporters to march to the Capitol,telling them to"get rid of the weak Congress people"and said"this is the time for strength".

"We're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women,and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them,"Trump said.

At the rally,Trump's top lawyer,Rudy Giuliani,called on Trump supporters to settle the dispute over the election through"trial by combat".

How did the rally unfold?

A crowd of thousands gathered at the"Save America March"to listen to Trump. They wore red baseball caps and cheered as he spoke.

A video has emerged of US President Donald Trump talking about “going to the Capitol” to “take back our country” at a rally hours before protesters stormed the US Capitol building.

They then made their way towards the Capitol building.

While the joint session of Congress was continuing,protesters pushed past the police lines set up on the steps. Infootage uploaded to Twitter,furious men screaming"traitor"were seen trying to rip open the barricades.

Some members of Congress and journalists took to social media to say they were told to"shelter in place"at their offices after reports some protesters broke through barriers.

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What happened inside the building?

An announcement was played inside the Capitol as lawmakers were meeting saying that due to an"external security threat"no one could enter or exit the Capitol.

Both chambers abruptly went into recess and the debate over the electoral count was suspended.

Protesters entered the Capitol Building,bypassing security and metal detectors.

House members were told to don gas masks,as tear gas was fired in the Capitol Rotunda.

People shelter in the House of Representatives gallery as protesters try to break into the chamber at the US Capitol.

People shelter in the House of Representatives gallery as protesters try to break into the chamber at the US Capitol.AP

The Senate and the House of Representatives were evacuated,and Vice-President Mike Pence and lawmakers were whisked to secure locations.

Incredible pictures showed security officials with guns drawn on the floor of the House of Representatives,people fighting with police in the Rotunda,and rioters smashing windows and streaming into the building where the nation's leaders had gathered to count votes sealing President-elect Joe Biden's victory.

Protesters could be seen marching through the Capitol’s stately Statuary Hall shouting and waving Trump banners and American flags.

One got up on the dais and yelled:"Trump won that election."

National Guard troops were deployed and a citywide curfew was called for shortly after dusk.

The New York Times also reported that a pipe bomb was found at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Washington and that the Democratic National Committee headquarters was evacuated after security discovered a suspicious package.

Has anyone been injured?

Four people died as supporters of Trump violently occupied the Capitol. Washington police chief Robert Contee said the dead included a woman who was shot by the Capitol Police,as well as three others who died in"medical emergencies".

Police said both law enforcement and Trump supporters deployed chemical irritants during the occupation and that officials had declared the scene a riot.

The woman was shot as the mob tried to break through a barricaded door in the Capitol where police were armed on the other side. The exact circumstances surrounding the shooting are unclear.

Has Trump responded?

After egging on his supporters for several hours at the rally,Trump tweeted that they should"stay peaceful".

"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement,"hetweeted."They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"

Under increasing pressure from both sides of politics to condemn the protesters,he then published a video on Twitter telling protesters to go home in peace.

The video was issued more than two hours after protesters began storming the Capitol.

Trump opened his video by saying:"I know your pain. I know your hurt. But you have to go home now."

He also went on to call the supporters"very special."He also said"we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special."

Almost two hours later,as a curfew was imposed in Washington,he tweeted again,telling his supporters to"remember this day forever".

Twitter has since locked Trump's account for 12 hours and threatened a longer ban if he doesn't remove these three tweets,which the social media giant described as"repeated and severe violations"of its policies.

Facebook,Instagram and YouTube also took down Trump posts a few hours ago.

US President-elect Joe Biden has called for calm as the US Capitol building is being overrun by Trump supporters and protesters.

What did Biden say?

President-elect Joe Biden called for the restoration of"just simple decency".

He had planned to deliver a speech focused on how to revive the economy and provide financial relief for small business owners reeling from the coronavirus pandemic in his native Delaware.

But shortly before he was to begin speaking,demonstrators broke into the Capitol.

"At this hour our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike anything we've seen in modern times,"Biden said,adding that what unfolded was"an assault on the rule of law like few times we have ever seen it".

He said the uprising bordered on sedition,adding,"The scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not reflect a true America,do not represent who we are.

"I call on this mob to pull back and allow democracy to go forward,"Biden said."At their best the words of a president can inspire,at their worst they can incite."

How have former US politicians reacted?

A number of former US presidents have strongly condemned the violence.

Former US president Bill Clinton said the attack on the Capitol was fuelled by over four years of"poison politics"lit by Trump.

"The match was lit by Donald Trump and his most ardent enablers,including many in Congress,to overturn the results of an election he lost,"he said.

Former US president Barrack Obama urged Republican leaders to"take the first steps towards extinguishing the flames"in the wake of the riots.

"History will rightly remember today's violence at the Capitol,incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election,as a moment of great dishonour and shame for our nation,"he said.

"But we'd be kidding ourselves if we treated it as a total surprise."

Former president George W. Bush said he and his wife,Laura,were sickened and heartbroken over the"mayhem"in Washington and that they watched in"disbelief and dismay"as events unfolded.

What is happening now?

Protesters were cleared off the steps and the Capitol Building was secured so that lawmakers could return.

Tear gas was deployed to try and disperse the crowds outside the building. A citywide curfew came into effect at 6pm (10am AEDT).

Minutes before the curfew came into effect,US Capitol Police said the building had been secured.

The Senate was reopened by Vice-President Mike Pence just after 8pm (midday AEDT).

"To those who wreaked havoc in our capital today,you did not win,"said Pence."Violence never wins. Freedom wins. And this is still the people's house."

With AP,Reuters

Simone Fox Koob is an investigative reporter for The Age. Before that she was a crime and justice reporter,and has previously covered breaking news.

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