NSA legally'off the tracks'says US congress

Washington:Lawmakers of both parties expressed deep scepticism on Wednesday about the government's bulk collection of Americans'telephone records and threatened not to renew the legislative authority that has been used to sanction a program described as"off the tracks legally."

A congressional backlash appeared to be coalescing around the idea that the administration's interpretation of its powers far exceeds what lawmakers intended. At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee,lawmakers forcefully pressed officials from the National Security Agency,the Justice Department,the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to justify the government's collection and storage of the communications records of vast numbers of Americans.

From left to right,Deputy Attorney General James Cole,Robert S. Litt,general counsel in the Office of Director of National Intelligence,National Security Agency Deputy Director John C. Inglis.

From left to right,Deputy Attorney General James Cole,Robert S. Litt,general counsel in the Office of Director of National Intelligence,National Security Agency Deputy Director John C. Inglis.AP

"This is unsustainable,it's outrageous and must be stopped immediately,"said John Conyers,the highest-ranking Democrat on the panel.

Congressman James Sensenbrenner,who sponsored the Patriot Act that ostensibly authorised the collection,warned that the House might not renew Section 215 of the act,a key provision that gives the government its authority.

Represenative John Conyers,right,and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte,of Virgina,left,question witnesses from the National Security Agency,FBI,and Justice Department.

Represenative John Conyers,right,and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte,of Virgina,left,question witnesses from the National Security Agency,FBI,and Justice Department.AP

"You've got to change how you operate 215 . . . or you're not going to have it anymore,"Mr Sensenbrenner said.

The sharp and sometimes angry questioning stood in sharp contrast to the tone of hearings on the surveillance programs by congressional intelligence committees in recent weeks. It also came as the government faces a growing number of legal challenges to its collection of"metadata"- information about the numbers called by Americans,the date and time of the calls,and how long those calls lasted.

Intelligence officials insist that the program operates under tight guidelines and is overseen by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. They also insisted that the collection efforts have proven crucial to disrupting terrorist plots.

Although many questions about the program remain,administration officials offered new details about the methodology used to analyse the data. For the first time,they suggested that when the government queries its database of phone records - as it did 300 times last year -- it was likely looking at the phone records of huge numbers of individuals.

"The court has approved us to go out two or three'hops,'"said NSA deputy director John Inglis."And it's often at the second hop that information is gained that leads the FBI to investigate the person's contacts further."

A"hop"refers to the way in which analysts broaden their analysis. When analysts believe they have cause to suspect an individual,they will look at everyone that person has contacted,called the first"hop"away from the target. Then,in a series of exponential ripples,they look at everyone all those secondary people communicated with. And from that pool,they go on to look at everyone all those tertiary people contacted. This is called a second and a third"hop."

The ACLU's deputy legal director,Jameel Jaffer,said the NSA has been trying to make it seem like it peeks at the communications of a tiny subset of people,but with such hops,it has reviewed the communication patterns of millions of individuals.

"The first hop takes you to 100 people the person called,"Mr Jaffer said."The second one takes you to 10,000. The third one takes you to a million."

The ACLU was one of more than 50 signatories of a letter to be sent to President Obama and congressional leaders on Thursday calling for more disclosure about the scale of government surveillance requests to technology and telecommunications companies.

Lawmakers said the surveillance effort,which was disclosed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden,is too broad and intrusive.

"I think very clearly this program has gone off the tracks legally and needs to be reined in,"said California Democrat Zoe Lofgren.

Deputy Attorney General James Cole said collected information does"not include names or other personal identifying information"and does not include the content of any phone calls."He added that the records are not protected by the Fourth amendment.

Several lawmakers disagreed.

"I maintain that the Fourth Amendment to be free from unreasonable search and seizure means that this metadata collected in such a super-aggregated fashion can amount to a Fourth Amendment violation before you do anything else,"Mr Conyers said.

A second program code-named PRISM,by contrast,"does collect content of communications,"Mr Cole said,but it is aimed at non-Americans who are"reasonably believed to be overseas."The content of communications such as phone calls and emails can be collected when one person in the exchange is in the United States,provided that the communication was initiated by"a non-U.S. person,outside the United States,"he said.

A practice known as"reverse targeting,"or indirectly obtaining Americans'communications by targeting foreigners located overseas,is explicitly prohibited,Mr Cole said.

Mr Cole said the programs are legal and overseen by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Mr Cole also said the programs"achieved the right balance"between protecting Americans'safety and their privacy.

"Both programs are conducted under laws passed by Congress,"Mr Cole said.

The 11 judges on the secret FISA court that approves surveillance"are far from rubber stamps,"Mr Cole said."They don't sign off until they are satisfied that we have met all statutory and constitutional requirements."

But some lawmakers were not swayed by Mr Cole's explanation.

"Could you go to the FISA court and argue that you had a right to obtain an individual's or every American's tax return?"asked Texan Republican Blake Farenthold."Could you get at somebody's permanent record from school?"

"If it was relevant to the investigation,you could go to the FISA court and ask..."Mr Cole began.

"Could you get somebody's hotel records? Farenthold interrupted"Could you get my VISA MasterCard records? Can you get the GPS data from my phone too? Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything but maybe a letter I hand-deliver to my wife in a[Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility]?"

In some of the cases,Cole answered that it would depend if it was relevant to a terrorism investigation.

"Snowden,I don't like him at all,"said Texas congressman Ted Poe,"but we would have never known what happened if he hadn't told us."

Republican Bob Goodlatte,the chairman of the committee,said he was surprised the programs had been kept secret for so long.

"Do you think a program of this magnitude gathering information involving a large number of people involved with telephone companies could be indefinitely kept secret from the American people?"Mr Goodlatte asked.

"Well,"said ODNI general counsel Robert Litt,with a slight smile."We tried."

Washington Post

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