'A game of roulette':Brazilian voters try their luck on law and order

Mariana,Brazil: One did not need to turn the television on or check the phone to find out who won the presidential elections in Brazil on Sunday night,local time.

Even in this small country town of 60,000,the tooting and homemade fireworks could be heard far into the valley of the Doce River. From cars adorned with Brazilian flags,Mariana drivers – their hands hard-pressed against the horn – yell,“I told you so” out of the window.

Brazilians propelled right-wing populist Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency,marking a dramatic swing to the right in the world’s fourth-largest democracy.

They are fans of Jair Bolsonaro,the controversial far-right former army captain who seemingly broke all the rules to win the election with 55.1 per cent of the votes.

He rises from an ordinary seven-term career in Congress to lead a country sickened by never-ending economic and social crises.

Bolsonaro preached violence against violence to curb crime,praised the military dictatorships that ruled the country for nearly 30 years three decades ago,and spoke crudely against the LGBTQ community,women and black people.

But this “Trump of the tropics” offered an iron fist against crime and corruption,two problems every Brazilian,black or white,rich or poor,gay or straight agrees have to stop.

Fernando Dias,a gay man,who voted for Jair Bolsonaro hoping the controversial politician can end crime and corruption.

Fernando Dias,a gay man,who voted for Jair Bolsonaro hoping the controversial politician can end crime and corruption.Lia Timson

“I am tired of robberies. I'm tired of the people being taken for granted. We need change. It's time,” says Fernando Dias,a bar owner and interior designer in historic Tiradentes in the state of Minas Gerais.

Dias,a gay man,voted for Bolsonaro despite many believing the conservative politician is homophobic.

“I'm not looking for a boyfriend;I'm looking for a president,” he says plainly.

“I don't want anything from him,except that I want to be able to carry my phone in my hand on the streets in Rio without being robbed and I expect to maintain my acquired rights.”

Dias is married to Peter Fedewicz under Brazil's same-sex marriage law which many fear Bolsonaro and a new far-right leaning Congress will seek to reverse along with abortion rights and racial quotas.

“It's a game of roulette,but if he's not good,in four years we'll change it.

“For now,I'm worried about my safety,my financial security,not my sex life. I want to pay my staff,pay my taxes and know that my money is not going to be used by a rotten party.”

Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro wait for his victory speech,in Rio de Janeiro.

Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro wait for his victory speech,in Rio de Janeiro.AP

Dias is referring to PT,the Workers'Party of former president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva,who was once acknowledged by Barack Obama as the world's most popular politician.

Despite a very leftist rhetoric,the former metal workers'union leader conquered hearts and minds in 2003 with progressive social reforms and is widely credited with lifting millions out of poverty and illiteracy.

But his two terms,and the subsequent government of his protege Dilma Rousseff,were marred by scandals and ended in tears. He is now in jail serving 12 years for corruption and money laundering. Rousseff was impeached just before the Rio Olympics and last month failed to be elected senator.

Their supporters tried everything they could,even reasoning with their own relatives to share their fear that Bolsonaro may take the country back three decades into a time of repression and extra-judicial killings.

Jair Bolsonaro had pledged an iron fist against crime.

Jair Bolsonaro had pledged an iron fist against crime.AP

PT itself tried casting its candidate,Fernado Haddad,a university professor,lawyer and former education minister,in a new light in the last weeks of the campaign,hoping to draw in the votes lost to other candidates in the first round. Gone were the endorsements and T-shirts. Gone was the communist red of its flags. PT now stood for “a country for all” adorned in green,yellow and blue,the colours of the national flag.

But it didn't apologise for all the scandals and the corruption,and was too little too late. Haddad didn't appear genuine. Bolsonaro on the other hand cannot be criticised for not being so.

Bolsonaro's victory is far from universal however. While he achieved a clear majority,with the final tally giving him 55.1 per cent of valid votes,or 57.7 million ballots,more than 30 per cent of voters (or 41.7 million people) could not bring themselves to chose either candidate:31.3 million abstained,8 million chose a fictitious candidate number (a practice known as annulling the vote) and 2.4 million chose the “blank” option on their electronic ballots. Haddad captured 47 million votes.

Lourdes,from Barra Mansa in Rio de Janeiro state,is among a group of 12 fifty-something women gathering in Tiradentes town square,some wearing Bolsonaro T-shirts. They all told me they wanted Bolsonaro to win,despite him being perceived as anti-women's rights.

“We don't believe that. He is not against minorities. That is all fake news to get him out of the race,” Lourdes says.

“Our country has gone through so many crises. We've all suffered,women and all,we were so disillusioned with so many governments,we had to so something.”

Her friend Clea says the murder rate worries her the most. (Brazil registered a record 62,517 murders last year,or 175 a day on average.)

Backing Bolsonaro:Lourdes (yellow T-shirt),Fatima (second from left,back row) and Clea (left,front row).

Backing Bolsonaro:Lourdes (yellow T-shirt),Fatima (second from left,back row) and Clea (left,front row).Lia Timson

“Everyone is getting killed,not just women,but men,gays,children,workers,” Clea says.

“PT did do a lot of good things,but it took much more than it gave. The lower classes,their lives changed for the better,but suddenly things changed,shops started to close,people were poor again and crime is worse.”

Fatima,who voted PT in previous polls,is adamant. “If they had continued in the same direction,today everybody would be PT. But it got lost,it got lost in its own corruption along the way.

“PT could have won;it should have continued to help people. I'm sad that it got to this point.”

Bolsonaro's vice-president elect,retired army general Hamilton Mourao told local broadcaster Globo work would begin immediately for an orderly transition to the new government which takes the helm on January 1. Among the priorities,establishing international relationships,especially with the United States,China and the European Union.

Among Bolsonaro's proposed policies are new bilateral trade agreements with countries that can bring"economic and technological benefits"to the world's ninth largest economy.

His “Phoenix Project”as his government blueprint is called,indicates he will reject leftist regimes –understood to include Cuba and Venezuela with whom the previous government was friendly – in favour of capitalist countries who can contribute to Brazil's trade,science,innovation,education and culture.

“We will stop admiring murderous dictatorships and stop discounting important democracies like the US,Israel and Italy,” the plan says.

“We will deepen our relationship with those of our Latin American brothers who are free from dictatorships and we will re-calibrate our partnerships.”

Alberto Posso,associate professor of economics at the International Development and Trade Research Group at RMIT,says despite opposing ideologies,Bolsonaro had much in common with Lula.

“To many Lula sounded like a Marxist,but in power his policies were pretty central and done in a very orthodox way. He didn't hurt trade,like Argentina did,or massively increase taxes,like Ecuador.”

In other words,Lula said things people wanted to hear but maintained policies that were economically pragmatic.

“Bolsonaro a bit of a misogynist,against gay rights,has advocated torture. His nationalist populist views tend to be pretty far-right and he appeals to male white voters,is pretty anti-immigration,a bit of an Islamophobe. That's why so many people think he is similar to Donald Trump,” Posso says.

“But from an economic point of view,Bolsonaro sounds like he will also be very centrist and it looks like he won't touch tariffs.”

Posso says Australia has an opportunity to expand the bilateral relationship with Brazil,especially in trade and education. Brazilian students are already in the top five arrivals in Australia,the only non-Asian country on that list.

“Brazil is very important for that sector and in a globalised world,looking to developing economies,the BRIC[Brazil,Russian,India and China],it makes sense to keep an eye on what they are doing,especially in trade,” Posso says.

Bolsonaro has pledged to privatise an array of state enterprises,including units of oil company Petrobras and power utility Eletrobras.

However,to what extent is still a matter of debate between his top economic adviser,pro-privatisation economist and investment banker,and the retired generals who backed his presidential bid.

Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro celebrate in front of his residence in Rio.

Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro celebrate in front of his residence in Rio.AP

He gave his acceptance speech,from his Rio de Janeiro home where he is stillrecovering from a stabbing received during the campaign,after participating in a prayer broadcast live on national television.

After dividing the country with his rhetoric,Bolsonaro pledged to pacify it,govern for all,and run a clean administration.

In a rambling speech from his dining table,seated between his wife Michelle and a sign language translator,he thanked God and the doctors who saved him,and quoted the Bible.

“You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free,” he said before appearing to diverge from a prepared speech.

“Brazil has been demanding change. We could no longer continue to flirt with the socialism,communism,populism and the extremism of the left.

”We have everything to be a great nation.

“You believed in me. We will together change the destiny of Brazil.”

Civil engineer Gustavo couldn't bring himself to vote for Bolsonaro,but accepts the result as part of the democratic process.

Civil engineer Gustavo couldn't bring himself to vote for Bolsonaro,but accepts the result as part of the democratic process.Lia Timson

Back in Tiradentes,Gustavo,a 30-year-old civil engineer,did not vote for Bolsonaro. He says he couldn't bring himself to overcome the president-elect's flaws.

“He is a dictator,has a fascist discourse. I don't think he is the person we need. I prefer a professor instead of a dictator.

“But I already have his victory as a positive. I think people have learnt to exercise their democratic duty and come out of their individual bubbles,thinking more of the collective,of society as a whole.

“He who has the most votes wins,and that is democracy.”

Lia Timson is Deputy Foreign Editor at The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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