UN veto'gives Assad a licence to kill'

SYRIANS were bracing for yet more violence overnight,fearful the failure of a second UN resolution calling for tougher action against the regime of Bashar al-Assad would unleash another wave of terror across the country.

Condemnation of Russia's and China's decision to use their veto powers in the United Nations Security Council was fierce,with Qatar's Foreign Minister,Khalid Al-Attiyah,saying it gave Mr Assad a''licence to kill''.

''Yesterday was a sad day,''he told delegates at a security conference in Munich.''This is exactly what we feared.''

The US ambassador to the UN,Susan Rice,said the US was''disgusted''the two countries were preventing UN action on the deepening crisis.

Bloodiest day ... mourners gather around the coffins of those killed in government attacks in the Khaldiyeh neighbourhood in Homs province,central Syria,on Saturday.

Bloodiest day ... mourners gather around the coffins of those killed in government attacks in the Khaldiyeh neighbourhood in Homs province,central Syria,on Saturday.

''This intransigence is even more shameful when you consider that at least one of these members[Russia] continues to deliver weapons to[Assad],''she said in the UN.

The British Foreign Secretary,William Hague,noted more than 2000 Syrians had died since Russia and China vetoed the previous UN resolution in October.

''How many more need to die before Russia and China allow the UN Security Council to act?''Mr Hague asked.

Syria's ambassador to the UN,Bashar Ja'afari,criticised the resolution and its sponsors,including Saudi Arabia and seven other Arab states. He said countries''that prevent women from attending a soccer match''had no right to preach democracy to Syria.

After using its veto power,local media reports indicated Russia would send a small delegation to Syria tomorrow,led by the Foreign Minister,Sergei Lavrov,to meet Mr Assad.

The news was met with disdain by rights groups,with the executive director of Human Rights Watch,Kenneth Roth,tweeting:''So what will … Lavrov say to Assad when he visits Syria on Tuesday? Please don't use the arms we're sending you to kill protesters?''

The Moroccan-sponsored resolution urging the Syrian government to end human rights violations and co-operate with the UN commission of inquiry and the Arab League observer mission was approved by a 13-2 vote before being vetoed.

As Ms Rice grimly noted in her address to the Security Council,the resolution had already been significantly watered down - it did not impose any sanctions or authorise military intervention.

Syrian embassies in London,Cairo,Kuwait,Athens,Berlin and Canberra came under attack from protesters calling for the fall of the Assad regime and an end to the violence,while Tunisia expelled its Syrian ambassador in response to the''bloody massacre in Homs''.

While the council members worked the diplomatic track in New York,the death toll continued to rise in Syria,with conflicting reports from local activist groups putting the toll at around 200 over the weekend.

The Local Co-ordination Committees inside Syria indicate that 94 people died on Saturday alone,including 62 in the besieged city of Homs and 19 in the Damascus suburbs of Daraya and Dumair.

The situation on the ground in Homs - viewed mostly via videos shot by residents and activists and posted on YouTube - is grim,with reports indicating scores of civilians died in the latest bloody crackdown. The Syrian government denied it had launched an assault on Homs.

One activist told theHerald via email heavy shelling and gunfire began again in the Baba Amr area of Homs early yesterday.

''Explosions are rocking my area,''he wrote. He also described a critical shortage of essential medical supplies.

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